We Are Glad You're Here!

         We exist to connect people to a living savior, a lasting purpose, and a loving community


Welcome to the Otis Orchards Seventh-day Adventist ChurchOur hope is that we can share resources that will help enhance your relationship with God, and that together, we can come to know Him better.  We are a family-friendly church welcoming new (and familiar) faces, and we are so excited to have you worship with us!

  • Bring your children so they can joyfully learn how much God loves them through stories, songs, and crafts
  • Study the Bible to answer tough questions about life and faith, and see God work in your life


Saturday - Worship and Study 

  • 9:45 am. - Adult Bible study class
  • 9:45 am. - Children's Bible class: Beginners ages 0-4,  Kinder ages 4-7,  Primary ages 7-10,  Junior ages 10-14, Youth ages 15-18
  • 11 am. - Worship Service together 
  • Live stream our service:  Click Here 

Fellowship Lunches

  • Second Saturday - Vegetarian fellowship meal / potluck lunch - Everyone welcome!  If this is the first time you are visiting us, please be our guest!
  • Fourth Saturday - Vegetarian taco salad fellowship lunch with vegan options - Everyone welcome!  If this is the first time you are visiting us, please be our guest!
  • Please check the 'Upcoming Events' for any changes to this schedule


~ Weekly Events ~

Kid's Clubs:  Adventurers and Pathfinders

Ages 3-17:   We meet on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm - see the "Kids Corner" page for more information! Everyone is welcome!

Food & Clothing Bank every Tuesday 10am-2pm

We offer a food and clothing bank that is free to all and run by our church & community volunteers on Tuesdays. Picking up is easy! The food bank takes place at our church "drive through" style and groceries are hand-delivered out to your car. God has been good to provide for our community at Otis Orchards SDA church.

Address: 4308 N Harvard Rd, Otis Orchards, WA (509) 720-8606

Live stream our service:  Click Here 

Otis Orchards
Seventh-day Adventist Church
4308 N Harvard Rd. 
Otis Orchards, WA, 99027

(509) 720-8606

Upcoming Events


                      Recurring Events

Food & Clothing Bank - Every Tuesday 10am-2pm.

Fellowship Lunch:  Every 2nd & 4th Saturday. (occasional exceptions, check dates below)

Crochet & Knit Group.  Everyone Welcome. If you don't know how, we'll teach you.

Tuesdays 1-3pm

Game Night. Board games. 

Thursdays at 6:30pm

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Have questions? Contact us by phone or email at: 

(509) 720-8606 otisorchardssda@gmail.com

Who Are Seventh-day Adventists? 

Click Here to find out more!